We Can Help

Prevent homelessness

Enriching Lives

Of Aboriginal people in our community

Aboriginal Children

Our most valuable resource

Client Advocacy

No one falls through the cracks.

We understand that sometimes people need the kind of help that does not fall neatly under any category. We understand how demoralizing this can feel to “fall through the cracks”. That is where we come in. It is our aim is to assist you, and when it is necessary to advocate on your behalf. Our aim is to give you voice and assistance.

Because we work with many agencies and jurisdictions, we have contacts that we can use to connect you with the resources that you need and with confidential, respectful assistance, in a timely manner. Whether it is a document, a contact person, advice, assistance, or other resources, we are here to help.

Please call us at (250) 622-2891 to talk to us about your need, and to set a time to meet.

Contact Us

Prince Rupert Aboriginal Community Services Society
265-309 2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert BC, V8J 3T1

  • Administration (250) 622 2891
  • Justice (250) 622 2891
  • Patient Travel (250) 624 4646
  • PT Toll Free 1 (888) 624 5504
  • Fax (250) 622 2893
  • Email pracss@citywest.ca

Aboriginal Headstart
313 Prince Rupert Blvd.
Phone: 250 627 4010