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Medical Transportation Program

Funded by: First Nations Health Authority
Telephone: 1-888-624-5504

New Patient Travel Hours
Effective April 1, 2015
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00 - 4:00pm

The Prince Rupert Aboriginal Community Services Society administers the First Nations Health Authority (previously Non-Insured Health Benefits) Medical Transportation Policy Framework (MTPF) on behalf of the FNHA. The information in this section of our website is intended to clarify our role in the delivery of funding for medical transportation to our clients. 

Funding for Medical Transportation is for required health services that are not provided on reserve or in the community of residence. The types of benefits that are funded, and the criteria under which they are funded, are set out in national and provincial policies. As program administrator, we are accountable to the First Nations Health Authority.

The role of our patient travel clerks is to administer the funds and coordinate medical travel for our eligible clients. Their aim is to ensure that our clients receive the benefits to which they are entitled, as defined under the MTPF.

Where a client's claims for funding do not meet the funders' requirements, our staff must deny those claims. If, as our client, you are denied coverage to which you feel you are entitled, you may appeal to the First Nations Health Authority for a review of your claim.

Changes to Approved Escort Policy

In recent years, the policy criteria for funding patient escorts has changed. For example, the use of an escort must now be pre-authorized and certain benefits will now only be considered under exceptional circumstances. It is essential that you understand what the approved escort policy covers, so that you do not inadvertently trigger costs that are not eligible. Our patient travel clerks will be pleased to provide clarification of the program requirements and answer your questions. 

Travel Criteria

Please click the link that follows to review the patient travel and escort travel criteria which the First Nations Health Authority currently follows. The Pacific Region Medical Transportation Guidelines are intended to enhance the Medical Travel Policy Framework and clarify how the program is applied. We have also prepared a short checklist of responsibilities to help ensure that you are fully prepared for your medical trip. We urge you to review our Escort/Client Responsibilities checklist before you travel. 

Our aim is to help you to the full extent of our ability. We understand that medical conditions can be extremely uncomfortable, travel can be stressful, and that exceptional situations do arise. Please call our toll free number with any questions or to bring forward your concerns. Contact for Travel Arrangements is 1-888-624-5504 or 250-624-4646.

Communities Served

First Nations Health Authority medical transportation benefits are available to all eligible First Nations clients living in BC who are not covered through a Contribution Agreement with First Nations and Inuit Health. To reach the First Nations Health Authority Regional office, please call 1-800-317-7878.

PRACSS administers patient travel for the communities listed below. Call 1-888-624-5504 or our patient travel administration number at 250-624-4646 for information and assistance.

  • Dease River (504)
  • Hartley Bay (675)
  • Kitkatla (627)
  • Kitselas (680)
  • Kitsumkalum (681)
  • Lax Kw'alaams (674)
  • Metlakatla (673)
  • Taku River Tlingit (501)

Off-Reserve Patient Travel

We also administer patient travel from our Prince Rupert location for clients whose communities do not administer off-reserve FNHA patient travel. To make arrangements, you may reach us toll free at 1-888-624-5504. Please note that the Nisga'a Nation administers medical travel for its members.

Medical Transportation Benefit Appeals Process

If you are denied a medical transportation benefit, you may appeal the decision to the First Nations Health Authority. The appeal must be submitted to the FNHA in writing and can be initiated by the client, by a legal guardian, or by an interpreter. Supporting information to justify the appeal must be provided.

Please contact the FNHA office for specific information on making an appeal for Medical Transportation Benefits. You may also visit the First Nations Health Authority policy framework website for details.

Contact Us

Prince Rupert Aboriginal Community Services Society
265-309 2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert BC, V8J 3T1

  • Administration (250) 622 2891
  • Justice (250) 622 2891
  • Patient Travel (250) 624 4646
  • PT Toll Free 1 (888) 624 5504
  • Fax (250) 622 2893
  • Email pracss@citywest.ca

Aboriginal Headstart
313 Prince Rupert Blvd.
Phone: 250 627 4010